District 43 Calendar

Begin transition process with outgoing District Officers.
-Obtain a copy of the Area Visits for each club.
-Outgoing officer should summarize the needs and strengths of each club.
-Denise will provide a list of clubs who have a history of paying their dues late.
1 District Officer Training (Area Directors and Division Director)
1 Corporate clubs should submit invoices so that memberships will be paid by September 1
14 District Officer Make-up Training (Area Directors and Division Director)
15 District Trio will share District Success Plan
30 Area Director reports must be submitted^
31 Divisions hold Club Officer Training* – 1st touch point for Area Directors and their clubs
Smedley Award (5 new members): August 1 – September 30
15 Club, Area and Division Success Plans Due
19-20 District Trio Training in Denver
21-24 International Convention in Denver
31 All Area Visit Reports submitted – 2nd touch point for the Area Directors and their clubs^
-Discussions with clubs about contests and dues renewals.
-Corporate clubs need to submit invoices to their companies as soon as possible
1 Membership Dues Should be Paid (Minimum of 8 members)*^  Recommend annual payments
19 DEC and Business Council Meeting – Virtual
30 Fall Showcase and Open House  – 3rd touch point for Area Directors and their clubs^
31 All Area Visit Reports (second round) submitted – 4th touch point for the Area Directors and their clubs^
-Discussions with their club success plan.
30 Area Director reports must be submitted to Toastmasters International
14 District Officer Training – Memphis, TN (Area Directors and Division Director)
31 Officer list due to Toastmasters International (for clubs that meet weekly and elect officers semi-annually)*
31 Divisions hold Club Officer Training* – 6th touch point for Area Directors and their clubs
Talk Up Toastmasters Award (5 new members):  February 1 – March 31
28 All Area Visit Reports submitted – 7th touch point for the Area Directors and their clubs^
-Discussions with clubs about contests and dues renewals.
-Corporate clubs need to submit invoices to their companies as soon as possible
1 Membership Dues Should be Paid (Minimum of 8 members)*^
30 Area & Division International Speech and Evaluation Contests complete – 8th touch point for Area Directors and their clubs^
24-25 DEC and Business Council Meeting*
30 All Area Visit Reports (second round) submitted – 9th touch point for the Area Directors and their clubs*^
-Discussions with their club success plan.
Beat the Clock Award (5 new members):  May 1 – June 30
30 Division Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest complete – 10th touch point for the Area Directors and their clubs^
5 – 6 Spring Conference – Hot Springs, AR*
30 Officer list due to Toastmasters International*
30 Educational awards due*^
Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Points Given at Club Level*
Incentive Program^