Welcome to District 43: Where Leaders Are Made
Serving Arkansas, North Mississippi, and Western Tennessee
Every club has its own unique imprint. Visit multiple clubs to find the one that’s right for you.
When you find the club you want to join, meet with the Club's Leadership to ask questions and discuss your next steps.
Welcome to Toastmasters! You will receive an email from Toastmasters International with instructions on how to access your Pathways online learning curriculum.

District Director Greetings

Greetings, fellow Toastmasters of District 43. I am honored to serve as your District Director for the 2024-2025 program year. I am looking forward to serving, supporting, and inspiring everyone. My vision is to continue contributing to the great work that the District Leaders have undertaken in the past two years. I will embrace the recent changes and challenges as opportunities to take the district to the next level of achievement. I want to tap into the talent that exists throughout the District: Encourage the development of new leaders and find new ways to enhance existing district programs. I want to encourage all members to Be active, be engaged and let’s achieve success together. My goal is to empower the district leadership team to work together toward the District Mission, which is to Build New Clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. It’s all the members…it’s not about me. Let’s all… AIM. FOCUS. ACHIEVE. SMEDLEY Distinguished in District 43, together!
Lisa Smith, DTM
District 43 Director 2024-2025

Public Relations Corner
Let’s speak and thrive in 2025!
The PR team is working hard to keep D43 members informed, inspired and engage

Sunny Fridge
Public Relations Manager

Lessie Hayes
Newsletter Designer

Erica May
Social Media Specialist

Ron Williams
Social Media Specialist

Bradley Harris
Editor / Proofreader

Tenetra Walton
D43 Webmaster
Overview of District 43
Overview of Toastmasters International

Find out about our members, their experiences, and how they have benefited from Toastmasters.

Sponsor of Memphis Gavel Club,
a Youth Toastmasters Club